MAX3232-RS232 Serial Port To TTL Converter Module DB9 Connector 5V, RS232
is an integrated circuit, used to convert serial data from RS-232
standard to TTL standard. There are three main points to understand
while using the module. One is serial data (Serial Communication) ,
Second one is RS232 standard and third one is TTL standard.
electronics is all about interlinking circuits (processors or other
integrated circuits) to create a symbiotic system. In order for those
individual circuits to swap their information, they must share a
common communication protocol. Hundreds of communication protocols
have been defined to achieve this data exchange, and, in general,
each can be separated into one of two categories: parallel or serial.
telecommunication and data transmission, serial communication is that
the method of sending information one bit at a time, consecutive,
over a communicating or laptop bus. this can be in distinction to
parallel communication, wherever many bits area unit sent as a full,
on a link with many parallel channels.
communication is employed for all long-haul communication and most
laptop networks, wherever the value of cable and synchronization
difficulties create parallel communication impractical. Serial laptop
buses have become a lot of common even at shorter distances, as
improved signal integrity and transmission speeds in newer serial
technologies have begun to outweigh the parallel buses advantage of
simplicity (no would like for serializer and deserializer, or SerDes)
and to outstrip its disadvantages (clock skew, interconnect density).
The migration from PCI to PCI categorical is an example.
Many serial
communication systems were originally designed to transfer data over
relatively large distances through some sort of data cable.
The term "serial"
most often refers to the RS232 port on the back of the original IBM
PC, often called "the" serial port, and "the"
serial cable designed to plug into it, and the many devices designed
to be compatible with it.
all long-distance communication transmits data one bit at a time,
rather than in parallel, because it reduces the cost of the cable.
The cables that carry this data (other than "the" serial
cable) and the computer ports they plug into are usually referred to
with a more specific name, to reduce confusion.
For two microcontrollers to speak
serially they must have the same baud, else serial communication
won’t work. this can be as a result of once you set a baud, you
direct the microcontroller to transmit/receive the information at
that exact rate. thus if you set completely different baud rate
rates, then the receiver would possibly miss out the bits the
transmitter is causation (because it's designed to receive
information and method it with a special speed!)
to Wikipedia, baud rate is similar to symbols per second or pulses
per second. it's the unit of symbol rate, additionally called baud
rate or modulation rate. However, although technically incorrect,
within the case of electronic equipment makers baud rate usually
refers to bits per second.
RS232 and TTL communication standards
RS232 and TTL communication standards are similar, except their
voltage levels. The voltage level of RS232 standard can swing from
-12 volts to +12 volts while for TTL it may be from 0 to +5 volts or
from 0 to 3.3 volts.
the above diagram we can see the voltage swings for both RS232 and
TTL logics. The above image is for RS232 and lower one is for TTL.
ic is used for RS232 devices to make compatible with TTL devices.
Using this module. Generally DB9 port (shown over here) is used for
RS232 standard. Clearly we can see that, there are 9 pins in the
port. Now a days in PCs this port is not available.
module can be utilized to serial port of microcontroller module
extend DVD, switch, hard drive and other hardware to overhaul. It is
utilized as a part of radio adjustment, telephone streak, XBOX360
streak, GPS, vehicle location DVD streak, hard palate repair set-top
box overhaul. It can be utilized to program STC MCU, NXP MCU, Renesas

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